Welcome to Surrey Heartlands  Health and Care Partnership

Welcome to Surrey Heartlands
Health and Care Partnership

  • Surrey Heartlands tree
  • Surrey Heartlands is a partnership of organisations working together – with staff, patients, their carers, families and the public – to support people to live healthier lives.



Are you winter ready graphic checklist

Are you winter ready?

Vaccinations  |   Prescriptions   |   NHS App   |   Which NHS service   |   
Cold weather   |   Keeping your home warm   |   Supporting others   |   
Medicines  |   Self-care   |   Mental health   |   Carers

Check if you are winter ready

Surrey Heartlands Clinical Strategy 2024-2029

Surrey Heartlands Clinical Strategy

Our Surrey Heartlands Clinical Strategy responds specifically to our clinical ambitions. We want more preventative healthcare and support for people outside our acute hospitals, alongside a strong focus on collaboration to help improve the quality of services and reduce variation in care and treatment.

Overall, we want to design healthcare around our residents – in places (towns and villages) that make sense to them – joining up services and making sure they are easy to navigate and straightforward to access, with a shift in resource to more preventative measures that will also help reduce overall demand.

Read our Clinical Strategy

News centre

A UK Health Security Agency graphic about cold weather. The background shows a steaming mug wrapped in a knitted cosy, set on a table. The text reads:
Public urged to make the right choice as pressures on Surrey hospitals increase amid cold weather warning

Health Leaders are encouraging the Surrey public to help make sure emergency care is available to those who need it by using the right service. The call comes as flu admissions across the county incr...

Ambulances parked outside a hospital
Surrey hospitals under significant pressure

All hospitals across Surrey are currently under significant pressure.  Please help us by using the right service.  If your condition isn’t life-threatening, use other NHS services su...

Mixed Group of Hands In a Circle
Look after your mental health this Christmas

Surrey Heartlands’ Chief Medical Officer reminds people to take care of their mental health this Christmas and reach out for support if they need it. The festive period can be a time of celebra...

News and stories from around Surrey Heartlands, from and for the people it serves. View it all via our news centre, including videos and case studies.

View all news and stories

Joining up care across Surrey Heartlands

Having a clear strategy in place is vital and allows us to focus on how best to meet the health and wellbeing needs of people in Surrey and reduce the inequalities we know currently exist.

As a health and care partnership we want to work with our communities to harness local innovation, so residents can access the right support that’s developed from the ground-up, with joined up health and care services that make the most of digital technology.

Read our strategy and watch this video to find out more.

Our strategy

Working collaboratively in Surrey Heartlands

Working collaboratively in Surrey Heartlands

We all want people in Surrey to live in good health for as long as possible and that they are supported to get the right help, when and where they need it.

Read about how we plan to do this over the coming years, working in partnership with both our workforce and local people, and continue to support the people of Surrey Heartlands to live healthier lives.

Looking ahead: Our vision for health and care in Surrey Heartlands