Get in touch
We aim to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days but in some cases this may be longer.
We ask all people calling or emailing Surrey Heartands to be patient and appreciate our hard-working staff. Thank you.
There are many ways to get in touch with us. Please see details below and don’t forget to follow us on social media as well.
- Media enquiries
- Compliments, complaints or concerns
- Freedom of Information Requests
- Subject Access Requests
What are you looking for?
We can help you access information, answer your questions and concerns or point you in the right direction. Want to find out more about us and what we do? We have you covered.
- Covid-19 and Flu vaccinations
- Access a service
- How do I register with a GP practice?
- Pharmacies and prescriptions
- How do I make a complaint?
- I'm looking for a career in Health and Social care
- Current vacancies in Surrey Heartlands
- Find out about Continuing Healthcare
- Personal Health Budgets and Individual Funding Requests
- I have a Freedom of Information request
Got a question about Continuing Healthcare?
Surrey Heartlands hosts NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) services across Surrey on behalf of our own residents and for residents of Farnham and Surrey Heath, who come under Frimley Health.
Enquiries about Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
Referrals for Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
Find out more about Continuing Healthcare in Surrey Heartlands.
Contact Surrey Heartlands
Media enquiries
For all press and media enquiries, please contact the Communications Team at
Please note, for same day requests we will try our best to meet your deadline, but this cannot always be guaranteed.
Find out how to send us your feedback on our concerns and complaints page.
Don’t forget to follow us and join the conversation on social media.