Social media
Digital media is just one of the ways Surrey Heartlands communicates and engage with residents and patients in our area.
Join the conversation
Join the conversation and find out the latest news from across Surrey Heartlands.
We're active on the following platforms, and we'd love to connect with you. Please make sure to follow us:
Twitter: @surreyheartland
Facebook: @surreyheartlandshcp
LinkedIn: Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership company profile
Instagram: @surreyheartlands
YouTube: Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership Channel
Social media acceptable use statement
This statement sets out how NHS Surrey Heartlands will use social media channels to communicate and interact with the public, patients and key stakeholders as well as other organisations.
All social media activity by Surrey Heartlands and its staff should adhere to NHS Digital Guidelines.
Surrey Heartlands intends to create an environment where people are able to contribute their views without fear of abuse, harassment or exposure to offensive or otherwise inappropriate content, when engaging in social media activity involving or relating to Surrey Heartlands.
Please see our Social Media Acceptable Use Statement in full.