NHS Surrey Heartlands Governance Handbook
The NHS Surrey Heartlands Governance Handbook sets out the governance arrangements that implement our Constitution. It contains practical procedural details for applying the Constitution including the Terms of Reference for its committees.
The handbook has been developed following NHS England/NHS Improvement guidance, which states that the Governance Handbook should include:
- the terms of reference for all committees of the Board that exercise its formal functions;
- delegation arrangements for all instances where functions are delegated, in accordance with section 65Z5 of the 2006 Act;
- key policy documents; and
- any other key contents as determined by NHS Surrey Heartlands.
The Governance Handbook should be read in conjunction with our Constitution and the following stand-alone documents, which do not form part of the Constitution but need to be included. These are the:
- Surrey Heartlands Scheme of Reservation and Delegation (SoRD):
- The SoRD sets out those functions that are reserved to the Board as well as those delegated to an individual or to committees or sub committees. It also highlights those functions delegated to another body or to be exercised jointly with another body.
- NHS Surrey Heartlands Functions and Decision map:
- The Functions and Decision Map sets out our key functions at a high level, and how we exercise them in accordance with the SoRD.
- Standing Financial Instructions:
- The Standing Financial Instructions and supporting financial policies shall have effect as if incorporated into our Constitution. They are part of our control environment for managing the organisation’s financial affairs. They enable sound administration; lessen the risk of irregularities and support commissioning and delivery of effective, efficient and economical services. They also help the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer to effectively perform their responsibilities and are used in conjunction with the SoRD.
The key policy documents mentioned include:
- Standards of Business Conduct Policy/Conflicts of Interest policy and procedures:
- This policy is an integral part of our corporate governance framework, through which we seek to demonstrate robust governance arrangements for accountability, transparency, and probity. It sets out comprehensive systems and processes to manage conflicts of interest; receipt of gifts, hospitality, inducements, and commercial sponsorship, so that people can be held to account for their decisions and the public can have confidence in the integrity and effectiveness of our decision making.
- Risk Management policy
- This strategy and policy provide an overarching framework for the management of risk within NHS Surrey Heartlands. It applies across all parts of the organisation and includes all staff, ICB members and persons engaged in business on behalf of NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB, including those employed by other organisations and/ or working on behalf of NHS Surrey Heartlands.
The Governance Handbook is updated and approved on an annual basis by the Executive Director responsible for governance.