Surrey Heartlands Population Health Summit 2023
The event on 21st March gave us an opportunity to promote a local understanding of population health and bring the underlying ideas to life with case studies and breakout groups, linked to the delivery of the Surrey Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
We were excited to welcome over 100 colleagues from across our partnership to the first Surrey Heartlands Population Health Summit on Tuesday 21st March 2023 in Epsom.
We discussed how the concept of population health management can help address the challenges facing some of our priority populations and think about how our ICS partnership needs to evolve.
As well as amazing colleagues from Surrey Heartlands, we were delighted to be joined by some external speakers who will help us to understand the challenges and opportunities that are being addressed across the country.
A huge thank you to those who came to the summit and made such a positive contribution to improving our understanding of this important concept.
Central presentation slides
Please see the central presentation slides [pdf] 4MB for the following briefings and material used on the day:
- Population Health Management context - Ruth Hutchinson, Director of Public Health
- Case Studies
- Dr Richard Brown, Director of Outcomes, SASH, and East Surrey Exec lead for Population Health Management
- Stephen Mortimer-Cleevely, Independent Living Strategic Lead, Spelthorne Borough Council
- Sue Tresman, Surrey Independent Carers Lead and Co-Chair of the Surrey Carers Partnership Board
- Jamie Gault, CEO, Action for Carers
- A Health Creation approach to Population Health and PHM Merron Simpson, CEO, The Health Creation Alliance
- The evolution of our approach James Palmer, ICS Programme Lead
- External perspectives:
- Kate Cheema, Director of Evaluation & Insight
- UCL Partners Karen Bradley, Principal Consultant, the Strategy Unit, Andi Orlowski, Director, The Health Economics Unit
Breakout groups and feedback
Please find break out group materials for the following break out groups:
- First 1,000 days [pdf] 527KB
- Children with Additional Needs and Disabilities and Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs Partnership Strategy (2023 to 2026)
- Adults with a Learning Disability and/or Autism [pdf] 585KB
- Adults with a Servere Mental Illness [pdf] 2MB
- Older adults [pdf] 341KB and Older adults additional data [pdf] 541KB
- People experiencing mutiple disadvantages [pdf] 1MB
External speakers
As well as amazing colleagues from Surrey Heartlands, we were delighted to be joined by some external speakers who helped us to understand the challenges and opportunities that are being addressed across the country.
Merron Simpson, Chief Executive, The Health Creation Alliance

The Health Creation Alliance is the leading national cross-sector movement addressing inequalities through Health Creation. A national and local policy and practice advisor on ‘people, places, health and housing’ Merron has extensive experience of cross-sector working.
A former Head of Policy at the Chartered Institute of Housing, Merron has worked with housing associations, local authorities, National Housing Federation, Kings Fund, NHS England, NHS Property Services, Royal College of General Practitioners, Health Foundation and Local Government Association. Merron’s passion is to bring congruence between policies, services and the reality of people’s and communities’ lives. She blends her influencing and thought leadership capabilities, cross-sector knowledge and deep interest in people to shift power and drive tangible change.
Kate Cheema, Director of Evaluation and Insight, UCL Partners

Kate’s background is in quantitative analysis in the health and the charity sector working across a range of analytical leadership roles in the NHS and for the British Heart Foundation; she is currently Director of Evaluation and Insights at UCL Partners.
She enjoys helping people make sense of the evidence when it comes to evaluation and developing effective and meaningful measurement and modelling approaches to complex problems.
Andi Orlowski, Director, The Health Economics Unit

Andi is a health economist, providing health and care organisations across the country with expertise in economics, population health, analytics and evaluations. He is researching population health analytics, health inequalities and impactibility modelling for his PhD at Imperial College London where he also lectures on population health management and measuring system performance.
He was selected as a 2022 HSJ Wildcard, and he is a Senior Advisor for NHS England on Population Health Management, President of the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts, and a Council Member at the Healthcare Financial Management Association.
Karen Bradley, Principal Consultant, the Strategy Unit

Karen is the Strategy Unit’s most experienced facilitator and sets a high bar for all our sessions. Her practice is informed by systems thinking; she is a Liberating Structures practitioner and takes a very experiential and hands-on approach.
She believes in integration, and her work spans strategy and practice, organisational and professional boundaries, Board intentions and frontline teams. Karen is passionate about reducing health inequalities, leading the Strategy Unit’s work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
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