1. Home

  2. Your health

    1. Get the right care and support
      1. Children and young people
      2. Emergency care
      3. Mental Health
      4. NHS 111
      5. NHS at Home
        1. Blood Pressure at Home monitoring service
        2. Virtual wards
      6. Non-emergency Patient Transport
      7. Optometry
      8. Pharmacies
        1. Brief: Pharmacy provision in Burpham and Merrow, Guildford
      9. Primary Care
        1. GP surgeries in Surrey Heartlands
        2. Referral Support Service
      10. Self care
      11. Sexual health
      12. Urgent care services
      13. Women and maternity
        1. Assisted conception
      14. Wheelchair services
    2. Support for carers
    3. Covid-19
      1. Covid-19 resources
        1. Overcoming your needle phobia (fear of needles)
      2. Long Covid
    4. End of Life care
    5. Health funding in Surrey Heartlands
      1. Continuing Healthcare
      2. Clinical Policies Directory
        1. Assisted conception procedures
        2. Treatments not routinely funded one
          1. TNRF1: Alternative therapies
          2. TNRF1: Cosmetic and plastic surgery
          3. TNRF1: Dermatology
          4. TNRF1: Dental
          5. TNRF1: Ear, nose and throat
          6. TNRF1: Gynaecology
          7. TNRF1: Musculoskeletal (MSK)
          8. TNRF1: Neurology
          9. TNRF1: Oncology
          10. TNRF1: Ophthalmology
          11. TNRF1: Urology
          12. TNRF1: Other procedures
        3. Treatments not routinely funded two
          1. TNRF2: Dental
          2. TNRF2: Dermatology
          3. TNRF2: Ear, nose and throat
          4. TNRF2: Gynaecology
          5. TNRF2: Musculoskeletal (MSK)
          6. TNRF2: Ophthalmology
          7. TNRF2: Pain Management
          8. TNRF2: Urology
          9. TNRF2: Vascular surgery
          10. TNRF2: Weight management
          11. TNRF2: Other procedures
      3. Individual Funding Requests
      4. Personal Health Budgets
    6. Independence and wellbeing
      1. Stop Look Care
    7. Learning disabilities
      1. LeDeR programme
        1. LeDeR Annual Report 2022 to 2023
        2. LeDeR Annual Report 2021 to 2022
    8. Long term conditions
      1. Cardiovascular Disease
      2. Diabetes
      3. Respiratory conditions
    9. Medicines
      1. Medicines waste
    10. Safeguarding
      1. Report a Safeguarding Concern
      2. Safeguarding in Surrey
      3. Looked After Children and Care Leavers
      4. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
      5. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers
        1. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 1
        2. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 2
        3. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 3
        4. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 4
        5. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 5
        6. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 6
        7. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 7
        8. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 8
        9. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 9
        10. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 10
        11. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 11
        12. Safeguarding Toolkit for Adult Care Providers Standard 12
      6. Safeguarding Statement
    11. Social care
    12. Specialist services
    13. Vaccinations
      1. Covid-19 vaccination programme
        1. Covid-19 vaccination frequently asked questions
      2. Flu vaccination
        1. Protect your child against flu
  3. Who we are

    1. Our vision
    2. Our partnership
      1. Integrated Care Systems
      2. Our partners
      3. Our journey so far
    3. Our places
      1. Working with people and communities
    4. Our statutory board and committee
      1. Integrated Care Partnership Committee
      2. Integrated Care Partnership Committee Meetings
      3. NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board
    5. Your information
      1. How we use your information
        1. Privacy notice: NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
        2. Privacy notice: Referral Support Service
      2. How the NHS uses your information
      3. Information sharing agreement
      4. Website privacy and cookies
  4. Our priorities

    1. Our strategy and plans
      1. Joint Forward Plan
        1. Joint Forward Plan 2023 to 2028
        2. Joint Forward Plan 2023 to 2028 summary
      2. Our strategy
      3. Clinical Strategy
      4. One System Plan
      5. The Fuller Stocktake
      6. Delivering Surrey’s health and wellbeing strategy
    2. Addressing health inequalities
    3. Developing and uniting our workforce in Surrey
      1. Surrey Heartlands Health and Social Care Academy
      2. United Surrey Talent Strategy
        1. United Surrey Talent Strategy mid year report 2022 to 2023
    4. Our commitment to Carers
    5. Effective response to COVID-19
    6. Elective Recovery
    7. Embracing digital technologies
      1. Digital First Primary Care
      2. Digital Inclusion
      3. Personal Health Record
      4. Population Health Management
      5. Surrey Care Record
    8. Improving Palliative and End of Life Care
    9. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
    10. Improving access to primary care
    11. Learning disabilities and autism
    12. Mental health and serious mental illness
      1. Children and young people’s mental health
      2. Mental Health Investment Fund
    13. Sustainability
    14. Urgent and emergency care
    15. Women and Children's services
  5. News and views

    1. Campaigns
      1. Help us help you
      2. Winter ready
      3. Summer wellness
    2. News centre
    3. Surrey Heartlands Blog
      1. Community Kitchens – An exciting mental health initiative in
      2. Some ideas for what to do to prepare ahead for winter
      3. A new strategy to support healthier lives in Surrey
      4. Learning from people’s stories and experiences in Surrey
      5. Collaboration and inclusive leadership at every level
    4. Social media
  6. Get involved

    1. How we involve people and communities
      1. How you can get involved
      2. Citizen Ambassadors
      3. Citizens Panel
    2. Our work with people and communities
      1. Get involved with our campaigns
    3. Engagement and procurement programmes
      1. Health and primary care in Guildford
      2. Reviewing NHS Dental Services in Surrey
      3. Staines Health and Wellbeing Centre
      4. Surrey Children's Community Health Services Procurement
      5. WeyBetter Weybridge
      6. Recent engagement
        1. Surrey Non Emergency Patient Transport Services Procurement
    4. Consultations
      1. Future location of specialist cancer services for children
    5. Research and innovation
      1. Clinical Strategy public research
      2. Research Ready Surrey
    6. Working with our partners and stakeholders
      1. Surrey Heartlands Expo 2024
      2. Surrey Heartlands Expo 2023
      3. Population Health Summit 2023
  7. Get in touch

    1. Subject Access Requests
    2. Freedom of Information
    3. Compliments, complaints and feedback
      1. Upheld complaints
  8. Careers

    1. Careers and professions
      1. Real-life stories
        1. Advanced Clinical Practitioner
        2. Business Administration Apprentice
        3. Lead Dietitian
        4. Lead Pharmacist
        5. Midwife
        6. Senior Clinical Pharmacist
        7. Paediatric Community Dietitian Apprentice
        8. Paediatric Occupational Therapist Assistant
        9. Paediatric Physiotherapy Assistant Apprentice
        10. Primary Mental Health Worker
      2. Allied Health Professions
      3. Ambulance service careers
      4. Careers in healthcare support work
      5. Careers in medicine
      6. Dental careers
      7. Estates and facilities careers
      8. Healthcare Science careers
      9. Health informatics careers
      10. Nursing and midwifery careers
      11. Management careers
      12. Pharmacy careers
      13. Psychological professions
      14. Public health careers
      15. Social care careers
      16. Wider healthcare careers
    2. Getting started with your career
      1. Work experience
      2. T Levels
      3. Apprenticeships
      4. Graduate Management Training Scheme
      5. Volunteering
    3. Schools and colleges
    4. Care Leavers
    5. Learning and career development
      1. Learning and development opportunities
      2. Advanced clinical practice
      3. Coaching and mentoring
      4. Leadership development opportunities
      5. Library and Knowledge Services
    6. Quality Improvement
      1. Making Change Happen
      2. Surrey Improvers Network
    7. Returning to Practice
      1. Allied Health Professions returning to practice
      2. Midwifery returning to practice
      3. Nursing returning to practice
      4. Pharmacy returning to practice
    8. Overseas professionals
    9. Find a job in Surrey Heartlands
      1. Current vacancies
  9. NHS Surrey Heartlands

    1. NHS Surrey Heartlands Constitution
    2. NHS Surrey Heartlands Governance Handbook
    3. Board meetings, Committees and Governance
      1. NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board Meetings
      2. Primary Care Commissioning Committee
      3. Surrey-wide Commissioning Committee
    4. Commissioning
      1. Primary care commissioning
      2. Community pharmacy, optometry and dental commissioning
      3. Surrey-wide commissioning
      4. Contracting, tendering and procurement
    5. Policies and Processes
    6. Publications and reports
      1. Annual Report and AGM
      2. Joint Capital Resource Plan
      3. Model Publication Scheme
      4. Monthly spending over £25,000
      5. Mental Health Investment Standard
    7. Registers and declarations