Engagement and procurement programmes
Find out how we involve people and communities in our work across Surrey Heartlands.
- Health and primary care in Guildford Working with two GP practices in north and west Guildford to look at how GP services can be provided in the future.
- Reviewing NHS Dental Services in Surrey NHS Surrey Heartlands is currently reviewing its dental offer. We are looking at existing service provision and any potential gaps that need addressing to fulfil the needs of our citizens.
- Staines Health and Wellbeing Centre Building community-based facilities for health and social care needs in Staines
- Surrey Children's Community Health Services Procurement NHS and Council commissioners are seeking to secure a provider for Children’s Community Health Services across Surrey, and North East Hampshire for some elements of the services, to start delivering services on 1 April 2025.
- WeyBetter Weybridge Weybetter Weybridge, our joint programme to renew the healthcare and community facilities in Weybridge.
Recent engagement
Recent and historical engagement and procurement programmes that are no longer active.