Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 gives you the right to request access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, including NHS organisations.
How to make a Freedom of Information request
We are committed to keeping you informed about your local NHS services across Surrey Heartlands, so we have already published a wide range of information about what we do. So before making an FOI request, check to see if we have already published the information you are looking for on this website as part of our Model Publication Scheme or our Policies, Strategies and Plans.
FOI requests must be submitted in writing via post or email. Your request will not be treated as an FOI request if you call or ask in person. You will need to include:
- Your real name (please note, requests submitted under a pseudonym will not be accepted)
- Your address (email addresses are acceptable)
- A description of the information you wish to obtain.
Where to send your FOI request
Freedom of Information requests relating to NHS Surrey Heartlands is handled by NHS North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS).
FOI requests should be submitted via:
email: necsu.shsfoi@nhs.net
Freedom of Information Team
John Snow House
NHS NHS Surrey Heartlands
Durham University Science Park
You will receive an acknowledgment by email and a full reply within 20 working days unless an exemption applies.