Working with our partners and stakeholders
Working as a partnership means positive collaboration with all our partners and stakeholders.
Across Surrey Heartlands we work with a wide range of partners including health and care providers, local government colleagues, Healthwatch Surrey, the voluntary, community and faith sector, patient representatives, service users and others. Everyone has a part to play in helping us work towards our overall objectives as an integrated care system to:
- improve outcomes in population health and health care
- tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access
- enhance productivity and value for money
- help the NHS to support broader social and economic development.
Some of the ways we work together are described on the following pages; you can also find out how to get more involved in our work.
The Surrey VCSE Alliance
The Surrey VCSE Alliance is the recognised governance structure through which Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System (ICS), including NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board (ICB), Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and Place-based Partnerships engage, consult, and empower Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise organisations (VCSE) organisations (including faith and networks) to be involved in our health and care system as equal partners.
The Surrey VCSE Alliance brings together VCSE organisations and engages with statutory and strategic health and care organisations across Surrey Heartlands. This creates a strong unified collective voice for the role of the VCSE sector and acts as the key enabler for the ICS to engage with VCSE and vice-versa.
Find out more about the Surrey VCSE Alliance.