Social Care
Social care can include personal care such as help with washing, dressing and getting out of bed in the morning. It can also include support to help people stay active and engaged with their communities.
They offer different services to children and adults.
Children's social care services
Children's social care services support children with the greatest need – those who are disabled, have to be protected from harm, or need to be placed in residential or foster care.
Children's Social Care | Surrey County Council
Adult social care services
Adult social care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to. This includes people who are frail, have disabilities, are neurodiverse, have mental health and addiction issues as well as the people who care for them (unpaid carers).
Adult Social Care | Surrey County Council
Equipment and tech to support you at home
There are many types of equipment and smart technology that can help make looking after yourself simpler. Being able to move around your home safely will help you maintain your wellbeing and help you stay living independently in your own home. Help includes personal alarms, major adaptations and help with meals.
Home equipment finder
The home equipment finder can give suggestions of things that can help you stay well and independent at home if you struggle with daily tasks like:
- remembering to take medication
- preparing a meal
- washing or dressing
- moving around your home
- need alarms, monitors or detectors
Home equipment finder | Surrey County Council
Support for carers
If you look after a family member, a partner, or friends in need of care and support then you are a carer if the care you provide is unpaid. If your child has an additional need or disability and requires extra support, you are a parent carer.
Safeguarding adults
Safeguarding is an integral part of providing high-quality health care, it means protecting a person’s health, wellbeing and human rights, enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.