End of Life Care
One day we will all die, and we want a good, pain free death in a place of our choice.
To allow this to happen, we need to talk about death with our family and friends, and our doctor, to make them aware of our wishes, and to find out what the options are. The Dying Matters Coalition aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life. Their website will help you start those conversations.
What is end of life care?
End of life care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life.
End of life care should help you to live as well as possible until you die, and to die with dignity. Providers of care should ask you about your wishes and preferences and take these into account. They should also support your family, and carers.
Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership has adopted the What Matters Most Charter to help support better conversations which enable personal wishes to be heard.
What is palliative care?
End of life care includes palliative care. If you have an incurable illness, palliative care makes you as comfortable as possible by managing pain and other distressing symptoms. It may also involve psychological, social and spiritual support.
What is ReSPECT?
ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment. The ReSPECT process creates a personalised recommendation for your clinical care in an emergency where you are not able to make decisions or express your wishes.
ReSPECT has been introduced across Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership, and you may be invited to have a ReSPECT conversation.
The ReSPECT and You: Planning Together guide provides more information.
How do I find out about local end of life care services?
Details of local providers of care, information and support can be found on the end of life care pages of Connect to Support Surrey.