Reviewing dental services in Surrey Heartlands

NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) are responsible for commissioning pharmaceutical, general ophthalmic services and dentistry. These three groups of services are known as POD. The responsibility for these services was delegated to ICBs in April 2023.

Primary care services should be responsive to demand, joined up and locally led. In Surrey, we want to increase collaboration, transformation and integration of POD services within community, urgent and emergency care services, orthodontic, oral-maxillofacial and other dental services.

NHS Surrey Heartlands is currently reviewing its dental offer to our population. We are looking at how we provide existing services and any identifying any potential gaps that need addressing to fulfil the needs of our citizens. At the same time, we want our providers to optimise and consolidate expertise within an established budget.

We aim to design and implement new models of care for NHS dental services in Surrey and will communicate our aspirations, plans and the outcome of any engagement undertaken with providers and service users.

We will align our commissioning plans to support Dental Contract Reform, the NHS England Long Term Plan, NHS Operational Planning Guidance and the Surrey Heartlands Clinical Strategy. 

Pre-market engagement event, January 2025

As part of efforts to hear from and encourage a strong local 'dental voice', NHS Surrey Heartlands hosted a pre-market engagement event on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 ahead of launching new opportunities to the dental market.

The event, held at Dorking Halls, gathered commissioners, providers, dental professionals, industry experts and potential partners to discuss how dental services can be optimised for our population. The event sought to foster collaboration and provide a platform for participants to share insights, identify challenges, and explore solutions that can enhance patient care and improve service delivery. 

We considered how we can bring viable, deliverable, efficient, effective, and innovative new service models and configurations to the market.  There were opportunities to explore the accessibility and quality of NHS dental care. 

By engaging with the market early, NHS Surrey Heartlands sought to gain a strong understanding of the challenges and opportunities. We learned about the needs and expectations of dental service providers to help shape future service provision. These services should be capable of improving patient access, addressing patient needs and supporting an overall improvement in oral health for adults and children.

Surrey Heartlands Dental Services Market Engagement Report January 2025

Surrey Heartlands Dental Services Market Engagement Slides January 2025 [docx] 61KB