Surrey Heartlands Expo 2023
On Wednesday 1st February 2023, we held our Surrey Heartlands Expo event, attended by around 300 people. The event brought together partners from across the ICS – including health and care colleagues, Surrey County Council, district and boroughs, representatives from the voluntary, community and faith sector and many others – to share best practice and network.
It was also an opportunity to showcase some of the great work happening across the system and share our plans and priorities to improve care for people living in Surrey through the launch of our new Integrated Care Strategy. We gave a number of presentations and ran seven different workshops during the event. You can view the resources from these sessions in the section below.
A big thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make the event such a success.
Joining up care across Surrey Heartlands
Having a clear strategy in place is vital and allows us to focus on how best to meet the health and wellbeing needs of people in Surrey and reduce the inequalities we know currently exist.
As a health and care partnership we want to work with our communities to harness local innovation, so residents can access the right support that’s developed from the ground-up, with joined up health and care services that make the most of digital technology.
Read our strategy and watch this video to find out more.
Plenary and question and answer sessions
During the day we held two plenary sessions along with a question and answer session at the end of the day. Our speakers were:
- Tim Oliver, Chair, Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership
- Professor Claire Fuller, Chief Executive, Surrey Heartlands ICS
- Ian Smith, Chair, NHS Surrey Heartlands (ICB)
- Rachel Crossley, ICS Joint Executive Director for Public Sector Reform
- High Sheriff of Surrey, His Honour, Christopher Critchlow LLB DL
- Sir Denis O’Connor CBE, Chair, Community Foundation for Surrey
You can view the agenda and speaker biographies below.
Agenda [pdf] 835KB Speaker biographies [pdf] 594KB
All of the videos from the day are available via our dedicated Surrey Heartlands Expo playlist available via our YouTube channel.
Workshop and presentation resources
Surrey Heartlands Expo Our Critical Five [pptx] 5MB
Surrey Heartlands Expo The Fuller Stocktake [pptx] 4MB
Surrey Heartlands Expo Community Creating Health [pptx] 6MB
Surrey Heartlands Expo Collaborating across Mental Health [pptx] 3MB
Surrey Heartlands United Surrey Talent Emergent Strategy July 2022 [pdf] 2MB - for more information, and to get involved, please email Leila Javadi-Babreh.
Surrey Heartlands Expo Connecting Surrey Heartlands [pptx] 2MB
Green Social Prescribing (via Healthy Surrey)