Our strategy in Surrey Heartlands
Our Integrated Care Strategy sets out our ambitions as a health and care partnership, building on our existing strategies to improve the quality of life, health and wellbeing of local residents and Surrey as a place to live. You can read both our full strategy and summary version below.
Joining up care across Surrey Heartlands
The Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership is a partnership of organisations that have come together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live in Surrey.
Our health and care partnership (also known as an Integrated Care System) is made up of an Integrated Care Board, Integrated Care Partnership, four Place-based Partnerships and local neighbourhoods.
Having a clear strategy in place is vital and allows us to focus on how best to meet the health and wellbeing needs of people in Surrey and reduce the inequalities we know currently exist.
As a health and care partnership we want to work with our communities to harness local innovation, so residents can access the right support that’s developed from the ground-up, with joined up health and care services that make the most of digital technology.
Read our strategy and watch this video to find out more.
We know that clinical care alone only makes around a 20% contribution to health and wellbeing, with a further 30% from individual health behaviours; the rest is influenced by factors such as education, housing, employment and the environment.
With a focus on prevention and support that is targeted where it’s most needed, we will reduce the unfairness some people experience in accessing care, so nobody is left behind.
Our strategy is based on population insights and knowledge gained through our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and listening to our residents directly; the voice of our population has been clear and strong, and our strategy reflects this.
Our ambitions
We have developed three ambitions that reflect where we are strategically and what our populations have told us. These set out the key areas of focus we need to take and how we will measure our success against them.
Ambition one: Prevention
Reflecting the three key priorities within Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy:
- Supporting people to lead healthy lives by preventing physical ill health and promoting physical well-being
- Supporting people's mental health and emotional well-being by preventing mental ill health and promoting emotional well-being
- Supporting people to reach their potential by addressing the wider determinants of health (so things like education, housing, employment).
Ambition two: Delivering care differently
Local people have told us they want services that are responsive to their needs and put them at the centre of decision-making. Based on feedback, we have developed two main aims to transform how we deliver care:
- Making it easier for people to access the care they need, when they need it.
- Creating the space and time for our workforce to provide the continuity of care that is so important to our populations.
We will do this through the development of our provider collaborative, the creation of neighbourhood teams, enhanced primary care, social care delivery, mental health support and working with children and families.
Provider collaboratives
- Local providers of health services working collaboratively to consider the best way to deliver some services across a wider geography.
Neighbourhood teams
- Teams of different professionals working together to care for people with more complex needs across very local geographies.
Ambition three: What needs to be in place to deliver these ambitions
So we can be effective and deliver our first two ambitions, there are a number of other functions we need to be working well.
This includes how we work with our communities and enable them to lead locally driven change; how we progress our ambitions around digital services and how we use data; and how we develop a workforce with the right culture, values, behaviour, skills, training, and leadership to face the demands of the future.