NHS Surrey Heartlands Constitution
NHS Surrey Heartlands sets out its governance and leadership arrangements in its constitution, formally approved by NHS England/NHS Improvement. It must ensure that it can effectively discharge its full range of functions, including establishing ICB committees to support the board and exercise any delegated functions.
Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are partnerships of health and care organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up services, and to improve the health of people who live and work in their area. They exist to achieve four aims:
- Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
- Tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access
- Enhance productivity and value for money
- Help the NHS support broader social and economic development
The formation of ICSs will help lead to the achievement of the NHS triple aim of: improved population health; quality of care; and cost-control, whilst also helping to support triple integration by removing the boundaries between mental and physical health, primary and specialist services, health and social care.
NHS Surrey Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Surrey County Council, as the local authority providing vast majority of adult social care, and whose area falls wholly within the Board’s area must establish Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) which is a statutory joint committee of the ICB and Surrey County Council. A small number of Adult Social Care Services are also provided by West Sussex County Council, where there is a small overlap of administrative boundaries.
The ICP will consist of a broad alliance of organisations and representatives concerned with improving the care, health and wellbeing of the population, and will build upon the partnership working at all levels of system, place, and neighbourhood. The ICP will prepare a strategy setting out how the assessed needs in relation to its area are to be met.
Within the Surrey Heartlands area there are four separate place-based partnerships covering the following areas:
- East Surrey Placed Based Partnership
- Guildford and Waverley Placed Based Partnership
- North-West Surrey Placed Based Partnership
- Surrey Downs Placed Based Partnership
The ICB will use its resources and powers to achieve demonstrable progress on these aims, collaborating to tackle complex challenges, including:
- improving the health of children and young people
- supporting people to stay well and independent
- acting sooner to help those with preventable conditions
- supporting those with long-term conditions or mental health issues
- caring for those with multiple needs as populations age
- getting the best from collective resources so people get care as quickly as possible.
Status of the Constitution
The ICB was established on 1 July 2022 under The Integrated Care Boards (Establishment) Order 2022, which made provision for its Constitution by reference to this document.
This Constitution must be reviewed and maintained in line with any agreements with, and requirements of, NHS England set out in writing at establishment.
Changes to this Constitution will not be implemented until, and are only effective from, the date of approval by NHS England.