Compliments, complaints and feedback
We trust you will have a good experience of health and care services in Surrey Heartlands. However, if you are not happy, let us know.
We would love to hear from you if you have a compliment to share regarding the services that you have received.
- Email: syheartlandsicb.complaints@nhs.net
- Telephone: 0300 561 2500
- Post:
NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
Block C, 1st Floor
Dukes Court
GU21 5BH
However, if you are unhappy, please let us know.
Need help making a complaint?
If you live in Surrey and are unhappy with the NHS treatment you have received, the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service can provide free, confidential and independent support to help you to make a complaint about an NHS service. It is provided by Healthwatch Surrey in partnership with SILC (Surrey Independent Living Charity).
You can contact the team via:
- Telephone: 01483 310 500
- Text (SMS): 07704 265 377
- Email: nhsadvocacy@surreyilc.org.uk
- SILC website
You can also view a tips on making a complaint leaflet:
Tips on making a complaint to the NHS in England
Please be assured that your future care and treatment will not be affected because you have made your concerns known.
Who should I complain to?
There are many different organisations that together provide health and care services across Surrey Heartlands. They are best placed to investigate issues that relate directly to their services. Please visit their websites, detailed below, to find out more.
Complaints about GPs, dentists, pharmacists, and opticians
If you would like to raise a formal complaint regarding a GP Practice, Dentist, Pharmacist or Optician, you can contact the provider directly by writing to them via their postal address or asking to speak with their Manager via telephone. Each provider’s contact details can be found via their own websites.
If you do not feel comfortable discussing your concerns with the provider directly, you can contact NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board who is responsible for investigating complaints regarding these services in Surrey Heartlands. You can contact them via:
- Telephone: 0300 561 0290
- Email: frimleyicb.southeastcomplaints@nhs.net
- Post:
South East Complaints Hub
NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board
King Edward VII Hospital
St Leonards Road
Complaints about hospital care (acute trusts)
If your complaint relates to hospital care, you should contact the hospital Trust directly. All local hospitals have their complaints procedures and, in most cases, a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
They can help you with any queries you may have about your care and can also help with complaints relating to their services.
Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Telephone: 01932 722 612
- Email: asp-tr.complaints.office@nhs.net
- Ashford and St Peters website
Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Telephone: 020 8296 3092
- Email: esth.complaints@nhs.net
- Epsom and St Helier website
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (Frimley Park Hospital)
- Telephone: 0300 613 6530
- Email: fhft.complaintsfrimleypark@nhs.net
- Frimley Health website
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Telephone: 0208 934 3993
- Email: khft.pals@nhs.net
- Kingston Hospital website
Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Telephone: 01483 464 831
- Email: rsc-tr.Complaints@nhs.net
- Royal Surrey website
St George's University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Telephone: 020 8725 3492
- Email: complaints.compliments@stgeorges.nhs.uk (Please read the trust's email correspondence disclaimer before using this service)
- St Georges University Hospital website
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Telephone: 01737 768 511 ext. 6825
- Email: sash.complaintsteam@nhs.net
- Surrey and Sussex Healthcare website
Complaints about emergency ambulance services (999)
Contact South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (999 ambulance service) via:
- Telephone: 0300 1239 242
- Text/SMS only: 07824 625 370
- Email: pet.secamb@nhs.net
- South East Coast Ambulance Service website
- Post:
South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Patient Experience Team
Nexus House
4 Gatwick Road
RH10 9BG
Complaints about Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services
EMED Patient Care provides Non—Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) to eligible patients in Surrey.
Contact their Patient Experience Team:
- By phone: 0300 777 8844
- By email: patientexperience@emedgroup.co.uk
- By post:
Patient Experience Team
EMED Group
Unit 4b, Bridge Business Park
Burcott Road
HR4 9LW - EMED Patient Care website
Complaints about mental health, learning disability and drug and alcohol services (all ages)
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust provides most of these services in Surrey Heartlands. Instructions for making a complaint are detailed on the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website.
Complaints about adult community health services e.g. community nursing and therapy services
For patients registered with a GP in Guildford and Waverley, contact Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
- Telephone: 01483 464 831
- Email: rsc-tr.Complaints@nhs.net
- Royal Surrey website
For patients registered with a GP in Runnymede, Spelthorne, West Elmbridge or Woking, contact CSH Surrey
- Telephone: 01483 362 900
- Email: csh.patientexperience@nhs.net
- CSH Surrey website
For patients registered with a GP in East Elmbridge, Epsom & Ewell or Mole Valley contact Surrey Downs Health and Care
- Telephone: 01372 735 545
- Email: esth.sdhc@nhs.net
- Surrey Downs Health and Care website
For patients registered with a GP in Reigate & Banstead and Tandridge, contact First Community Health and Care
- Telephone: 01737 775 463
- Online feedback form
- First Community Health and Care website
Complaints about NHS 111 and GP out-of-hours service (only accessible via NHS 111)
Practice Plus Group explains how to make a complaint in their handy guide.
- Telephone: 0333 999 2570 (general enquiries)
- You can submit a complaint via their website.
- Email: reception.reading@practiceplusgroup.com
Complaints about children's community nursing and therapy services
Children and Family Health Surrey (services provided by CSH Surrey, First Community Health and Care and Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust)
- Telephone: 01483 362 900
- Email: CSH.patientexperience@nhs.net or fchc.enquiries@nhs.net
- Children and Family Health Surrey website
Complaints about Continuing Healthcare in Surrey
The Continuing Healthcare (CHC) service is managed by NHS Surrey Heartlands. To make a complaint, contact the NHS Surrey Heartlands CHC team on:
- Email: syheartlandsicb.chcrelationshipmanager@nhs.net
- Phone: 0300 561 1444
- Post:
The Complaints Team
Block C Floor 1
Dukes Court
Dukes Street
GU21 5BH
If you wish to appeal the outcome of a CHC assessment, please contact the Appeals Team at syheartlandsicb.chcappeals@nhs.net.
Complaints about Surrey Wheelchair Service
Ross Care provide wheelchair services in Surrey. They can be contacted via:
- Telephone: 0330 124 8210
- Whatsapp (message us): 07471 038 629
- Email: SurreyWCS@rosscare.co.uk
- Surrey wheelchair service website
Unsure who to make a complaint to?
If you are unsure what to do or wish to make a complaint to the ICB, don't hesitate to get in touch with us using the details below:
- Email: syheartlandsicb.complaints@nhs.net
- Telephone: 0300 561 2500
- SMS: 07917 087 560
- Post:
NHS Surrey Heartlands ICB
Block C, 1st Floor
Dukes Court
GU21 5BH
Please refer to our Complaints Policy to understand how your complaint will be handled.
Please note that Heartlands Hospital is an entirely separate organisation to Surrey Heartlands. If you wish to raise a complaint about Heartlands Hospital, managed by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, please visit their webpage for contact details.
What is the time limit for making a complaint?
You should make a complaint within 12 months of the event(s) concerned or within 12 months of becoming aware that you have something to complain about.
NHS organisations have the discretion to waive this time limit if there are good reasons why you could not complain earlier.
What happens once you have complained?
We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We will advise on how your complaint is going to be investigated. We offer a telephone call to everyone who wishes to complain to ensure we fully understand the issues raised and your desired outcome.
We may need to share your details with an external organisation. We will always seek your consent to do this. However, if we have serious concerns about a person's welfare, we will apply our safeguarding policy and procedures, as detailed in our Complaints Policy.
If your complaint is investigated solely by an external organisation, they will be responsible for keeping in touch with you and providing you with a formal response.
However, if your complaint involves two or more organisations or just the ICB, we will keep in touch with you. We aim to respond to complaints within 25 working days; if there is a delay, we will let you know and explain why.
Please be assured that your future care and treatment will not be affected because you have made your concerns known to us.
What happens if I am unhappy with the outcome of my complaint?
In the first instance, please contact the complaints team who handled your initial complaints investigation to let them know that you are unhappy with the responses you have received. They may be able to re-open your complaint, or offer a local resolution meeting with the staff involved to resolve your concerns in a face-to-face format.
Once the stage of local resolution has come to an end, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). The PHSO make final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved by the NHS in England and they do so fairly, without taking sides. Their service is free.
You can contact the PHSO using the following methods:
- Telephone: 0345 015 4033
- open 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday (charged at a local rate)
- If you use British Sign Language, visit the Ombudsman website where you can access a sign video.
- Post:
Mosley Street
M2 3HQ
How do I access a copy of your Complaints Annual Report?
To access a copy of our Complaints Annual Report, please contact our Complaints Team, who will be happy to provide this for you.