Autumn booster programme underway across the South East | News centre

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Autumn booster programme underway across the South East

vaccination needle

The autumn Covid-19 booster programme is underway across the South East as thousands come forward for their top-up.

More than 40,000 people have already been vaccinated in the region since the latest phase of the NHS’s vaccination programme went live on 7 September.

Currently, those eligible for the first ever variant-targeted booster vaccine include care home residents; the severely immunosuppressed; people aged 65 and over; frontline health and care workers; pregnant women and carers.

As with previous campaigns, those most at risk will be called forward first, with people able to book in online or through 119 as long as it has been three months since their last dose.

Caroline Reid, Regional Director of Commissioning and SRO for the Flu and Covid vaccination programme across the South East, said:” Covid-19 is still with us and people can still become very ill.  Having your booster will ensure you continue to have the best protection against Coronavirus through the winter months.

“If you are one of those eligible, it is as important as ever to get your next dose, so please do come forward as soon as possible.”

She added: “As well as protecting you and the people around you, vaccination also helps the NHS by reducing the number of people that are likely to get seriously ill from catching a virus and needing to go to hospital.

“Vaccinations are rigorously tested to the highest safety standards.”

Dozens of vaccination sites across the South East of England have joined the latest booster drive – delivering the jab to members of the public as well as their own staff.

From this month, the NHS is also rolling out this year’s flu vaccine, with eligible people able to get their flu and Covid jab at the same time depending on local arrangements.

Bank Holiday arrangements

Anyone who has a Covid autumn booster vaccination booked for Monday 19th September (Bank Holiday) will receive a text reminder message 48 hrs before the appointment. If vaccination sites are closed on this date, people will be given the opportunity to rebook a new appointment. If their chosen site is still operating on 19th, people will be given the option of rescheduling if they would prefer not to attend.


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