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Joint collaboration results in Carer Confident Level 2 status

Joint collaboration results in Carer Confident Level 2 status for NHS Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council
NHS Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council have been recognised for their support towards staff who have caring duties outside the workplace.
In a great example of collaboration, both organisations – who work closely together and with other partners across Surrey to support working carers – have achieved the Carer Confident Level 2 Accomplished benchmark, in recognition of the help and support provided to staff members who are also carers.
Carer Confident is a benchmarking scheme run by Employers for Carers, to recognise employers who provide an inclusive and supportive workplace for staff who are or will become working carers.
There are three stages in the grading system: Level one is Carer Confident Active which Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council achieved in 2020, followed by Carer Confident Accomplished, and the last, Carer Confident Ambassador.
To achieve Level 2, both organisations needed to demonstrate that they:
- Have a process and support in place to help carers identify themselves in the workplace
- Include carers in the development of policies and processes to support carers within the workplace
- Have well documented policies in place which cover carers
- Provide a range of practical support for carers in the workplace
- Communicate the support available for carers throughout the organisation
- Enable carers to feel comfortable in accessing available support both from within and outside the organisation.
Vicky Stobbart, Senior Responsible Officer for the Surrey Joint Carers Programme said:
We’re delighted to have achieved the Carer Confident benchmark which recognises the quality of the support we’ve developed to meet the needs of our working carers.
Gaining this award also demonstrates the invaluable role that unpaid carers play in supporting those that they care for.
Across our organisations we recognise that a large number of staff are carers outside work and that creating a working environment that supports working carers has benefits for both carers and the organisation.
Added Kim Jacobs, Surrey Joint Carers Programme Manager:
As chair of the Surrey Heartlands staff unpaid carers network, I am so pleased to hear that we have achieved Carer Confident Level 2 and that we are the first Integrated Care System in the UK to achieve the accreditation.
Being accredited will help to ensure that employees who are unpaid carers are valued members of the team and know that we are here to support them.
Mark Nuti, who as Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Adults and Health champions carers in the council’s workforce commented:
We realise that many of our colleagues have loved ones at home who rely on them for aspects of their day to day care.
Our common aim is to support our employees in their unpaid care work, so I welcome the news that we and NHS Surrey Heartlands have achieved this Level 2 Award for working carers.
Susanna Mackie, a carer who combines her duties as Surrey Online School Technical Manager with supporting a family member, was clear about the advantages of working for a care-aware employer:
I really appreciate the level of support offered by my manager and the wider organisation. Carers here have a voice thanks to initiatives like our Staff Carers Network, where issues raised lead to real, positive change.
Every working carer I know feels guilty about those times when due to an emergency they have to drop everything, but working in a Carer Confident organisation means I get the backing I need to be able to succeed in both roles.
Find out more about the work taking place locally to support carers