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Surrey Heartlands CMO urges people to ‘Help us, help you’ this Easter

Surrey Heartlands’ Joint Chief Medical Officer urges people to ‘Help us, help you’ ahead of the Easter bank holiday weekend
As the NHS prepares for what’s expected to be another busy bank holiday weekend, people living in Surrey Heartlands are being urged to play their part and help the local NHS by choosing the right service – using Minor Injury Units, Walk-in Centres and Urgent Treatment Centres for urgent (but not life threatening) conditions and minor injuries - to keep Emergency Departments for people who are seriously injured or critically ill.
The call, from the county’s Joint Chief Medical Officer, comes as the system continues to see a high number of people receiving care across primary, community, hospital, NHS 111 and ambulance services.
Professor Andrew Rhodes, Joint Chief Medical Officer for Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership explains:
Thanks to frontline teams, who will be working throughout the Easter period, there are a range of services available if people need urgent advice this weekend.
With more services now available at local pharmacies and minor injury and walk-in centres that can help with more minor conditions, we are reminding people to use the full range of services available, depending on their health issue and the type of care or advice they need - and to help us keep Emergency Departments and 999 for life-threatening medical emergencies.
Over the Easter weekend there are a range of services available that can offer advice and support and help people get treatment if they need it:
- Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and experts in medicines. They can give clinical advice and help with over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses including coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains and many pharmacies offer an extended range of services. Details of pharmacies in Surrey open over the Easter Bank Holiday
weekend can be found on the NHS South East website. - GP practices – Some practices will be offering pre-booked appointments over the Easter period and there will also be GP appointments available through NHS 111. People can also visit their GP practice website or the NHS App for a range of online services (including repeat prescription requests, other online requests and to book a routine appointment).
- NHS 111, walk-in centres and urgent treatment centres – If you, or your family, need urgent health advice but it’s not an emergency you can get help at NHS 111 online at www.111.nhs.uk or by calling 111 24 hours a day. NHS 111 can provide advice over the phone and link you in with local services – including GP services, walk-in centres and other local services - to help you get the care you need in the right place.
- Emergency Department (also known as A&E) and 999 – these services are only for medical emergencies and life-threatening conditions. Please use them responsibly, and only in an emergency, so we can make sure people who are critically ill get the treatment they need as quickly as possible.
Professor Andrew Rhodes added:
If you’re not sure where to go, or which service to choose, see NHS 111 online or call 111 and they can put you in touch with a range of services, including arranging out of hours GP appointments and referring you to a local walk-in centre or Emergency Department if needed – to help you get the care you need over the Easter weekend.
Get the right care and support
Pharmacy in Surrey open over the bank holiday weekend