Vaccination rollout in the South East sees over 1.5 million vaccinated against winter viruses | News centre

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Vaccination rollout in the South East sees over 1.5 million vaccinated against winter viruses

Graphic displaying a women who has been vaccinated with the words winter vaccination clinics. Grab a jab and get protected.

The NHS vaccination programme to protect vulnerable people in the South East from a potential ‘tripledemic’ of Covid-19, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is off to a strong start.

Over 1 million flu jabs have already been administered, alongside nearly 700,000 covid-19 vaccinations and over 126,000 RSV vaccinations, offering vital protection as winter approaches.

With thousands of appointments still available, eligible individuals are urged to book to join those already vaccinated.

Vaccinations in Surrey Heartlands

Read more on the NHS England South East website

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