Surrey Heartlands celebrates a successful day of networking and collaboration | News centre

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Surrey Heartlands celebrates a successful day of networking and collaboration

Following the success of our first ever Expo in February 2023, on Monday (21st October) over 320 partners from across Surrey Heartlands came together for our second system-wide Expo. 

The event brought together partners from across the ICS – including health and care colleagues, our Place Partnerships, Surrey County Council, district and boroughs, colleagues from the voluntary, community and faith sector, patient representatives and many others – to make connections, share best practice and explore opportunities to work more closely together to improve the health and wellbeing of our population. 
It was also an opportunity to showcase some of the great work happening across the system and share our plans and priorities to improve care for people living in Surrey through the launch of our new Clinical Strategy

Take a look at some images from the day, the videos played during the event and more.

Surrey Heartlands Expo 2024

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