Over 750,000 autumn vaccinations already delivered in the South East | News centre

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Over 750,000 autumn vaccinations already delivered in the South East

Carehome resident Lynne Jose and vaccinator Nadine Schirmer

Over three quarters of a million autumn vaccinations already delivered in the South East

The NHS’s Covid-19 and Flu vaccination programme in the South East is off to a flying start with over three quarters of a million autumn vaccines already delivered, providing vital protection to the most vulnerable.

More than 420,000 flu vaccinations and 385,000 Covid-19 jabs have been delivered in the region since the start of the campaign earlier this month, with lots of people being offered both vaccines at the same time, making it more convenient for people.

Nationally, over 4.1 million people across England have been invited to book their flu and Covid-19 vaccination appointments this week, adding to the 1.5 million invited last week.

In addition, more than 1.2 million texts and emails have been sent to parents of 2–3-year-olds, inviting them to book their child’s flu vaccine, alongside a reminder to get an MMR vaccination if not up to date.

With the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant (BA.2.86) in England, the NHS brought forward its lifesaving vaccination programme following the latest scientific advice.

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