New arrangements secured for Molebridge Practice | News centre

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New arrangements secured for Molebridge Practice

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We are pleased to confirm that we have successfully secured new arrangements for Molebridge practice that will retain services at both the Fetcham and Leatherhead sites – and that the transition is now underway. This follows the recent decision by the previous GP partners to exit the contract. 

Under the new arrangements, two current GPs working at the practice - Dr Eleni Mantzari and Dr Anna Barham – have taken on the contract, with some short-term support provided by Dr Hilary Floyd. 

Dr Floyd, who is well known to patients and the local community, having retired from the practice in summer 2024, will bring her experience, leadership and oversight to support the practice on a short-term basis, where she will oversee the transition to the new, permanent arrangements, working with the practice team. 

By taking swift action, we have been able to move forward quickly and the transition to the new arrangements is now well underway. We will continue to provide our full support to the practice and we are grateful to all the partners and local groups who have come forward and supported us over recent weeks.

We understand further changes at the surgery can feel worrying for patients but we believe these arrangements will help address some of the feedback we have heard and signal a new chapter for the practice. 

Our immediate focus now is on supporting the practice with the practical areas needed to facilitate this change and we will continue to meet with members of the Patient Participation Group, local resident associations, MPs, Healthwatch Surrey and wider partners to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements. 

In the meantime, we would like to reassure patients that services at Molebridge practice continue to operate as usual so patients can continue to access services and seek advice, as they do currently. 

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