Improving health outcomes for Spelthorne residents | News centre

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Improving health outcomes for Spelthorne residents

Group of People Outside stretching

As part of the continuing collaborative work of North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance, we are delighted to announce that Spelthorne Borough Council has established the Spelthorne Healthy Communities Partnership with the aim of improving health outcomes for local people.

The purpose of the group is to explore new ways of delivering services and identify interventions that address the wider influences on health and wellbeing. The group will discuss, share and determine spending on the health and wellbeing priorities for Spelthorne in conjunction with stakeholders across the health care system. The group will also facilitate the communication of health and wellbeing information.

The partnership will:

  • focus on delivering improved outcomes for people
  • focus on learning by doing
  • develop a structure that will evolve over time
  • seek to keep decision making as local as possible 
  • develop an enabling 'can do' environment

The Spelthorne Healthy Communities Partnership will assess the effectiveness of existing services and interventions in meeting local need and make proposals for improvements or variation in service delivery. It also aims to provide a focal point for multi-agency debate with users and carers on health and wellbeing, with a view to improving communications, information sharing, evaluation, identifying best practice, service development and allocating funding.

Jack Wagstaff, Chief Officer for North West Surrey Health and Care Alliance, said: "This is a really positive step for Spelthorne Borough Council and the whole Alliance, in working together we can have the greatest positive impact on health and wellbeing for local people; and we look forward to continuing to develop this exciting and important agenda."

Cllr Maureen Attewell, Chair of the Spelthorne Council's Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee, said: "The establishment of the Spelthorne Healthy Communities Partnership will enable us to highlight local priorities and have a greater influence on the strategies that will make the biggest difference for residents in Spelthorne. We are well placed to understand the healthcare needs of our communities and respond with flexible and tailored solutions with our partners, with a greater emphasis on prevention."

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