Nominations for the inaugural Surrey Heartlands AHP awards are now open | News centre

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Nominations for the inaugural Surrey Heartlands AHP awards are now open

Male and female healthcare workers

We are delighted to announce that Surrey Heartlands AHP Faculty has launched the very first AHP Award to celebrate all Allied Health Professionals and Support Workers who, day after day, demonstrate hard work and dedication in, not only looking after patients in a variety of settings, but also in leading important changes in the health and care sectors.

If you know an Allied Health Professional, Support Worker or a team that has had an impact on others through a piece of work/project, then this is just the right opportunity to give them the recognition they deserve.

The process is very simple. Contact the AHP team and request an award nomination form. 

You will also receive a full list of categories so you can enter the most appropriate category for the entry submitted. There are nine categories:

  • Greener sustainabilty
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Wellbeing
  • Leadership
  • Service development and change management
  • Digital
  • Outstanding care
  • Placements
  • AHP Champion

Entries can be submitted no later than Friday 25th August 23:59hr.

Nominations will be reviewed by a judging panel and the shortlisted entries will be presented online on Wednesday 11th October, to which all AHPs will be invited. 

Request a nomination form

Allied Health Professionals


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