Surrey students invited to get creative in promoting the work of Allied Health Professional (AHP) | News centre

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Surrey students invited to get creative in promoting the work of Allied Health Professional (AHP)

Male and Female Medical Staff With Arms Crossed

Students in secondary schools and colleges across Surrey discover how rewarding a career as an Allied Health Professional can be by entering our competition.

Closing date Friday 30th June at 23:59

This is an exciting opportunity for students in secondary schools and colleges (year 10 and above) to work on a project that will take them through a journey of discovery of some of the healthcare professions that represent the backbone of patient’s care. There are 15 Allied Health Professions to choose from and students can be creative and innovative in representing one of these professions in a visually catchy/emotionally involving piece.

Students are invited as individuals or as a group (maximum of 4 students) to research into one of the 15 AHP professions to find out the multiple facets of the job and the cohort of patients supported by these professionals - depicting and celebrating the chosen profession.

Students can choose to aim the project at two differing audiences:

  • Peer groups in the process of choosing a professional career, opportunity to shine some light on AHPs and sparking young people’s curiosity in finding out more about AHPs.
  • A mature section of the population considering a change of career and perhaps wanting to make a difference in society and helping others.

The winning entry and runner up/s will be awarded £100 and £50 voucher respectively. Entries will be shared with the AHP community and beyond, in occasion of national AHP day in October, via webinar and social media platforms.

The closing date for the competition is Friday 30th June at 23:59. Late entries can contact Surrey Heartlands to enquire/request an extension for submission.

To request an entry form, email the:

Surrey Heartlands AHP Faculty

Find out more about:

Allied Health Professional careers

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