Business Administration Apprentice

NHS Surrey Heartlands

What are your main responsibilities in this role? 

I work with the Careers team to co-ordinate the smooth running of career events, fairs and mock interviews. These events support our future workforce to understand the range of opportunities available to them within health and social care. 

How did you start out in your apprenticeship role? 

After I finished my A Levels at school, it was clear to me that an apprenticeship was the route I wanted to follow. 

Apprenticeships combine on the job training whilst studying for a qualification. This allows me to learn the skills I need while also earning a salary. 

What were the greatest benefits of your apprenticeship? 

Starting out with a level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship allowed me to gain a highly transferable set of business skills, knowledge and behaviours that can be applied to all sectors. 

What skills are most important in your job? 

When I started, I quickly realised that I needed a good understanding of IT skills. I am also developing my communication and team work skills as I work with colleagues from a variety of partner organisations in Surrey. This is helping me to understand their needs and priorities and, determine how best we can support each other.  

have also found that I need to be a good listener, have a problem-solving mindset and be flexible in my work as two days are never the same.  

What are the biggest challenges you face in your role? 

Working from home was a big challenge to begin with as it was a new way or working that I needed to adjust to.  I found my way around this by having regular contact with my line manager and team colleagues. 

I also recognised that I needed to find a way to look after my owwellbeing. I did this by getting out and meeting up with friends for a walk during my lunchtimes. 

What are the biggest rewards in your role? 

Knowing that my role is fundamental in engaging our Surrey Heartlands future workforce. We share details of health and social care careers across all schools and colleges in Surrey.  

I love attending the events that we schedule, especially the Enact sessions. These sessions have professional actors showcasing a large number of our health and social care roles through a fun filled performance. To see the interest this generates in young people is so rewarding. I can see its benefit in showcasing many of the hundreds of careers that health and social care on offer to them and help inspire our future workforce.  

Top tips for others thinking about beginning an apprenticeship? 

Firstly, find out as much as you can about the apprenticeship you are thinking of doing. Remember, you are an employee just like everyone else. Try to observe and learn from senior staff. Be confident in yourself, you know more than you think. Chances are, you will bring new skills and perspectives to your team. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Your next step on your career pathway? 

There are so many options available to me once I finish this level 3 apprenticeship to develop my career further. 

I am already beginning to look at my Level 5 apprenticeship options that will suit my career goals and to help me develop further.